Saturday, May 30, 2009

The official completion

Today was the 5K. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful course. It went alongside Provo River and the sound of the water was so soothing. I was hoping to run the whole way, but after the first couple of miles I had to walk a little and then start running again. I'll bet that out of the 3.1 miles I was able to run about 2.75 miles. That in itself is an accomplishment. Maybe the next one I'll be able to run even farther (I'm planning to run the Strawberry Days 5K), and eventually I'll actually run a whole one! I was able to take 1st in my age group (and yes, there was more than just me in that age group). I was excited about that and I was excited about my finish time.
Last night was our dinner. Everyone looked so good. The food was delicious (best part was I didn't have to cook it or clean up afterwards!!). It was so interesting to hear Traci tell about the accomplishments of each woman. Some were remarkable, but all were impressive as improvements were made in each woman's life.
Once again - I am so thankful for the people that spearhead this whole heart challenge - Janet, Traci, Jalaine, and the others. It must be very rewarding for you to see all the achievements and results. I wish the next group of participants good luck on their path. A new group of hospital employees starts Monday. To those who will be involved next year in the 100-Day Heart Challenge, I hope it's as awesome an experience for you as it was for all of us. Good luck to you.
To my family and friends - thanks again for all your support. I'm so grateful for my own accomplishments and results, and I know a big part of my final success was because of you being there urging me on. To the other participants - good luck as you continue to reach your final goals and continued success in the changes you've made in your personal lives. I was blessed to get to know each of you. Thanks too to my trainer Dylan - I appreciate your pushing me and teaching me.
Overall - this was a wonderful experience and I'm so thankful to have been able to participate.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The End . . . and The Beginning

Today marked the end of our 100-Day Heart Challenge. We were weighed, waist circumference taken, body fat measured, cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides, blood pressure, and heart rate - all checked. I feel good about everything except my blood pressure. I know I've been stressed lately - one of my part-time jobs stresses me out!!
So, with today being the end of the challenge it's also the beginning for each of us. We're now on our own - no trainer, no weekly checkins, no food journaling requirements, no nutrition classes, etc. After talking to several of the women this morning, I think most (if not all of us) plan to continue to watch what we eat and how much we eat, and also continue to exercise. I think we all feel pretty good about where we're at at this point, and although we may not be to our goal, we see it as attainable.
I'm happy to be where I'm at (except for that darn blood pressure!). I feel I've worked hard and done what was asked of us. I'm excited to be down in weight and in clothing sizes. I feel good!!
One more thing - I'm very thankful to have been chosen as a participant in this heart challenge. I feel better health-wise than I've felt in a VERY long time. I'm grateful to all those involved and have been the organizers, the cheerleaders, our leaders and coaches along this experience. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And to those other participants - way to go, and thanks for all I've gained from you - committment, courage, perseverance, friendship, encouragement, etc.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dinner out!

Last night was our monthly get-together with the "football" moms (minus Shelly - we missed you!). We went to the Blue Lemon in Highland. I had the chicken dumpling soup and raspberry chicken salad. Both were very tasty and delicious. I recommend trying this place if you're looking for someplace new. Their food is "pure clean food, with a twist". "We use fresh ingredients from local farms in our homemade, made from scratch recipes." "Our food is free of preservatives, artificial flavoring and coloring, irradiation, synthetic pesticides, fungicides, ripening agents, fumigants, drug residue, and growth hormones." (Those are all taken from their take-home menu.) As usual, when we get together, we had a great time, lots of visiting, and lots of laughs. I love all of you girls!
Today as I worked out I thought about how - for me - this was the last "hard" exercise workout before the weigh-out Friday. I thought back about how when I first started I'd sit on the ball to do the shoulder exercises with the hand weights and as I looked in the mirror I could see that roll around my middle. I'd pull my shirt loose so it wouldn't show. That roll is almost gone now, thank heavens. I'll work out again tomorrow but I won't include the strength-training (weight machines). I do those 3 times a week. We're not supposed to eat anything after 7:00 tomorrow night or exercise on Friday as it could skew the blood results.
Dylan asked me at our last workout together Monday night how I thought my results would be. I told him that I'm happy with where I'm at right now, although I'm not at my final goal weight yet. I also said that the results Friday aren't just weight loss - it's the cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, triglycerides, etc. I also mentioned that I know there are several of the ladies that have worked very hard and given it their all and that I admire them. I've read their blogs and I've read that some wished their results to this point were different, but they had positive attitudes and committment to continue to work to get to the point they want to be at after the challenge is done. I've watched some of these women workout, and they've truly "worked their butts off." I'm glad to have been associated with them and have been inspired by them to continue to work hard even when feeling like letting down some. They've kept me going, even though they may not have been aware of that. So - thanks to all you fine ladies and to your hard work and committment. I'm so thankful to have been a part of this challenge and for getting to know you.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Turning 57!

Today is my birthday and I am now 57. I got an email from my missionary son last Wednesday that asked how I felt to be so old - haha! I wrote him back and told him that I feel great and that I'm in some of the best shape I've ever been in. I do feel I'm healthier than I've been in years. I'm also a smaller size than I've been in years and that in itself makes for a happy day!! I went shopping last week to find some capris/shorts to replace the ones that no longer fit, and I was able to find some that weren't too expensive and fit and were cute! I'd bought new shirts last summer (they fit better this year!) so I think I'm ready for summer.
For some reason I didn't sleep real well last night - it was one of those nights you look at the clock every hour. I hate those nights because they're not very restful. However, I did do a little reflecting on some things - like being 57 means I'm only 3 years from being 60 and for some reason that hit me harder than turning other decades. I haven't accomplished several things I have on my goal list, so I need to buckle down and make better use of my time so I can feel more of a sense of accomplishment.
This heart challenge has helped me accomplish a couple of things that I'd wanted to do but put off. One was changing my diet and exercising more so that my cholesterol will (hopefully) come down. My doctor had told me to do that a couple of years ago. The other thing was to lose weight. I'd lost some last year before our cruise but then I gained it back through the summer. I don't intend to do the same thing this year - I intend to keep it off. With the knowledge we've all gained throughout this experience, I think we all plan to do the same thing - keep off what we've lost and maybe even lose more.

Friday, May 15, 2009

You never know when you're an example!

I got my hair cut on Wednesday and stopped in at my husband's work to show it off. I hadn't been there in quite some time, so the girls that work for him hadn't seen me and my progress through most of the challenge. They sure complimented me when they saw me. It felt so good - in fact I went out and came back in just to have them do it all over again!!!
Anyway, my husband came home from work last night and said they're going to have their own little challenge now between the 3 of them. I said - I'm an example? He said you're an inspiration to all of us. Wow, you just never know when you're going to be an example to others. To all the other gals in this heart challenge - thank you for who you are and for the inspiration you've been to me and the encouragement you've given not just to me but to each of us. I have truly enjoyed being a participant in this heart challenge.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Biggest Loser Finale

I haven't been a diligent watcher of The Biggest Loser this year, but I have caught snippets of the program or seen the previews on TV. I did however watch the finale (love DVR - you can just whip through the parts you don't want to see and the commercials and get done in way less time than if you sat and watched from start to finish.) I was hoping Mike would win - he looked terrific and had made a tremendous change in his lifestyle, which we in the challenge can relate to!
I feel like I've been a little sluggish during my workouts lately. I don't know if it's because the challenge is coming to an end and I'm "letting down" or what, but after watching the show last night I had a renewed vigor to finish with more energy and to try to keep working hard and finish strong.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I hope all you mothers out there had a wonderful Mother's Day. I know I did. The kids living in the area were all here and I was able to talk by phone to our daughter in Ohio and our missionary in the Halifx Nova Scotia mission. I am so blessed with all 6 of our children (not to mention our 7 grandchildren!!). It was great to not have to worry about fixing dinner or cleaning up afterwards!!
One thing I did was try on different pants and capris and get my daughters' opinions as to keep or not. I put on a pair of capris on Friday that were too big, as were the dress pants I put on on Saturday. I didn't have many left to choose from after we got done sorting and trying on. Now, this is a problem I'm not minding having - but at the same time I have some clothes that are fairly new and actually in style that I wish would still fit because they're cute! However, I'll take having to get new clothes over staying the size I was!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Holy Cow time again!

I'm working for my friend at the Holy Cow Boutique at the PG Rec Center this week. I work one of my part-time jobs first, then hurry to the boutique and work there right afterwards. I haven't had a lot of time to fix meals in between so I just grab a yogurt and some fruit and take it with me so that I won't "munch" on the yummy toffee, cookies, candy, crackers, rolls (Big Buns), etc. People ask how we can work there with that cinnamon smell all day - but, after awhile you don't even notice it. I enjoy working there because I work for my friend, I see people I know and can visit with them for a bit and catch up on their doings. Plus I get to see all the fun things people are buying and I can purchase things I wouldn't ordinarily buy. It's a fun time, but I did have to be on guard and watch what I was put into my mouth and eating!
I'm trying to get ready for the 5K Run for the Red that will be held May 30. I'd like to be able to run the whole way, so I've been working my way up as far as time. Tuesday I ran (on the treadmill - I know it's different when you run outside) for 27 minutes and 30 seconds. I probably could have run longer, but that was my goal for the day. Soon I will try to run for a whole half hour!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cooking by Chef Mike

Today was our last nutrition class and we were blessed to have Chef Mike come join us and cook for us. He made lettuce wraps (with chicken) which are on par taste-wise with those at PF Chang's, but calorie-wise considerably less. It was fun to watch and listen to him, and especially to partake of the end result. He also made a breakfast sandwich using a whole wheat tortilla. I enjoyed the lettuce wrap very much, however - I'm not such a fan of peanut butter, honey, banana, etc. that was in the breakfast sandwich.
It's hard to believe that these classes are over now, but I have learned a whole lot. The things I've learned will be incorporated into my life and hopefully into the lives of other family members. I intend to continue to live this way - watching what I eat, portion control, and exercise. I like where I'm at and plan to continue to stay at this point or lose a bit more to reach my goal weight. There's no reason for me - except pure laziness - to end up like I was at the beginning of this heart challenge.
Thank you to Jalaine for all the good and useful info you've shared with us throughout our nutrition classes. I really appreciate the efforts you've put into teaching us.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Leaving our mark

A few weeks ago, as I was walking into work, the flowering trees were so beautiful. I had my camera with me that day so I took some pictures of those trees. Today as I walked over to get lunch they were cutting down one of those same trees - it had been attacked by the wind and lost! I thought about how I had a picture of that tree and now - any other pictures taken of the same spot would not show that particular tree, yet it had left it's "mark" that it had been here - there's the stump, and I also have a picture showing where it once stood!!
We also leave our "mark" in life. We influence others - in many different ways. We as women especially leave our mark as we are great influences in the lives of those around us - our family, neighbors, friends, co-workers, etc. For most of us we leave a lasting legacy through our families. This heart challenge has left it's mark in our lives as we've learned many new things and have incorporated them not only into our lives but into our families' lives as well. I intend to use the "mark" of this challenge for the rest of my life. I've actually enjoyed the exercise (although I still HATE to sweat!) and I've found that I really don't NEED all the things I thought I needed to put in my mouth. I love feeling much better about myself and finding and wearing clothes I haven't fit into in a long time. I carry myself differently and stand a touch taller than I did before!! Thank you to everyone that has been a part of this challenge and to "my support team".

Friday, May 1, 2009

Ignorance is bliss?

They (whomever they are) say that ignorance is bliss. However, ignorance when it comes to health is not bliss. Ignorance of not knowing you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high glucose, gall bladder issues, cancer, etc. is not bliss. I remember when I found a spot on my leg last fall - I suspected it was skin cancer but wasn't sure. I didn't go in until late fall to have it removed and was told it was skin cancer. They got most of it but I had to go back and have a larger spot taken to remove it all. That was not bliss. (Not being able to tan any more which I loved to do - that wasn't bliss either!!) My sister-in-law Beth and dear friend Lena not knowing they had breast cancer until their husbands found their lumps was not bliss. (Thankfully both are fine today and cancer-free).
I am most grateful for this challenge as it has made me more aware of my own health and where I'm at in many different categories. I'm thankful to have lost and continue to lose weight so that I am healthier - less chance of heart attack or stroke - that is bliss! But, I'm not so ignorant any more, and I am thankful for that.

They fit!

About 3 years or so ago I bought a pair of capris at Macy's Department Store. They were on clearance - a $68 pair for $10. I couldn't pass them up, but . . . they also didn't fit. They almost fit, but didn't. I thought back then that it would be just a little while and I'd be able to fit into them. Boy, was I wrong, because in the meantime, I gained, lost, gained, lost again!! So, I saw them still hanging in my closet and decided this week to try them on, just to see if I was getting close. I was very happy that they not only went on easily but I was also able to zip them up and button them without having to suck in (oh how many clothes have I done that?!!). So, I now have another outfit to wear this summer!! That in itself is exciting - and cheap, to be able to wear something you already have!
We only have 3 weeks left. I hope to be able to keep it up as far as exercising and watching what I eat. I have to say - I do feel so much better. Another little sidenote - before I started this challenge I had to take a couple of antacids every night before bed because I had heartburn. I've only taken one once since the challenge started - and that's because I ate later in the evening and I had salsa (not too bright of a mood). So, by eating better my heartburn has definitely disappeared.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nearing the end

I can't believe today was our second-to-last nutrition class. Looking back, these last several weeks have certainly gone by very fast. I've learned new things and refreshed my memory on things I already knew. I've changed my eating habits and have incorporated a good exercise program into my schedule. I've met new people and have learned from them. I'm pleased with the progress I've made and look forward to eventually getting to my goal. This has been a great process to get there.
Today in our class we talked about maintaining once we get to our goal. That is something I've been a little concerned about because our focus has been on weight loss and healthy changes, but once we get to our goal we're going to have to change direction a bit so that we don't continue to lose. After all, you can lose too much and that isn't healthy either.
I've exercised in the past, and I intend to continue to exercise. I feel so much better when I do. In fact, when I went to the gym on Saturday they called me aside to tell me my membership had expired and I needed to renew. So, we're now members for the next 2 years. We'd gotten such a good deal to begin with and they carry it over each time we renew, so we just can't pass it up!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Eating spaghetti

What's with the snow yesterday anyhow? I know it didn't last long but still - it is spring!!
The kids came for dinner last night - I planned something pretty easy since I was scheduled to work 2:30-4:30. We had spaghetti, salad, and French bread. I carefully measured out my 2/3 cup of noodles and put them on my plate. I looked at that amount and thought - are you kidding me? That's all I get? But, I didn't add any to it and put my allowed amount of sauce on, ate 1 piece of French bread, and had 2 helpings of salad. That amount of spaghetti and sauce actually was enough for me - it gave me the taste and flavor without overindulging. That's what I like about the lessons we've learned - portion control and eating real foods. I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything or eating (or not eating) a forbidden food. Nothing's forbidden - it's just moderation and control.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I have 2 part-time jobs. One of them I can't seem to get rid of the Sunday shift. I teach in Relief Society on the 4th Sunday. My shift overlaps church time and it's been really hard since the first of the year to get all of Sunday off. My shift changed to different times today, so in order to be off in time to teach I had to trade with someone and get the last hour of my shift off. Then, I had to work again from 2:30-4:30. (Church was out at 2:00.) There wasn't enought time to fix much to eat by the time I got home, so I grabbed a BANANA - I don't really even like bananas, but they're easy to eat, readily accessible, and healthy. So, I ate a banana! Much better for me than chips or a cookie or something like that! This challenge has certainly helped me in this area.
I wore a suit today that I've had for several years that I really like. I haven't worn it in quite awhile because it was too tight in the arms and in the rear. Today it was too loose on top (not necessarily one of the places you want to lose!!) I like the suit so I'll have to find someone that is good at alterations and have them take it in for me so I can still wear it. I tried on one of the pairs of jeans that I'd bought at DI last month and - oh yeah, they fit!! I'm wearing them right now and they're comfortable.
My hubby is starting to see some results from his eating healthier and exercising. It's funny how just seeing a little success can help keep you on target and continue on instead of giving up and throwing the towel in.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

For the whole family

Yesterday's class was fun. We were told about the 20 worst meals - ohmigosh, we were flabbergasted as to the amount of calories, fat grams, carbos, etc. in some of those dishes. Can you imagine eating one meal worth over 2700 calories?!!
My husband is more onboard with me than before. He's been exercising, but now is watching what he eats even more. He ate his grilled burger without the bun last night and tonight turned down a malt (he loves malts - light on the chocolate syrup please). We have plans to go to our son-in-law's graduation from dental school and he sees that by the time we go to that he could be down at least 10 (if not more) pounds, and when we go to pick up our son from his mission in late July, he could be fairly close to his goal weight. Things are more realistic to him - and he realizes he can eat real food, not be limited by low carbs or high proteins. This challenge is good for the entire family.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I just came in from weeding the front and side flower beds and half of the one in the back. Boy, my weeds are doing REALLY good! It's such a good feeling to be able to pull those weeds and dead growth from last year and reveal the tulips and new growth of the perennials. For the past few years I've gone to Thanksgiving Point after they've pulled their tulip bulbs and bought several dozen. The are looking awesome this year and I just love the fact that I have such a variety. You never know what you're buying, so it's a very pleasant surprise when they come up in the spring. I've never been disappointed with any of the colors or shapes - except for when one doesn't bloom!! I was sad to find a bag of bulbs in my office that didn't get planted last fall, so I'm hoping they'll still be good! I hope to get the rest of the weeding done tomorrow.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


As I checked out at Macey's tonight I took a look at the food I was putting on the belt. I'd just grabbed what was on my list, and didn't realize how healthy everything was. I had fresh fruits and vegetables, yogurt, boneless skinless chicken breasts, lean pork chops, milk and bread. No pop, candy, cookies, sugared cereal, etc. I thought to myself - wow, how "disgustingly healthy!!" I'd done that without even thinking about it!
When at Gold's Gym Friday morning I looked at the "wall of TV's" and was surprised at the number of ads for quick-fix medications and infomercials to help get rid of the weight quickly and with no work at all. We are a society of quick-fixes, forgetting that the problem didn't come overnight or in a week or a month. We had to really work at letting ourselves get out of shape and unhealthy over a long period of time. The cure will take time also. I'm thankful to be able to participate in this heart challenge and be reminded that the only way to truly lose weight and become healthy is with a lifestyle change.
One final observation - I bent over to tie my shoes on Friday and realized after they were tied that I hadn't had to huff and puff to do it nor hold my breath. Sweet!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fad Diets

In our class today we talked about fad diets. A fad diet is simply a weight loss diet that becomes very popular (often quickly) and then may fall out of favor (sometimes just as quickly). She described several different fad diets and what they were known for. She also gave us a handout that had a series of questions to ask about a diet to determine whether it's a fad diet or not:
Recommendations that promise a quick fix
Dire warnings of dangers from a single product or regimen
Claims that sound too good to be true
Simplistic conclusions drawn from a complex study
Recommendations based on a single study
Dramatic statements that are refuted by reputable scientific organizations
Lists of "good" and "bad" foods
Recommendations made to help sell a product
Recommendations based on studies published without review by other researchers
Recommendations from studies that ignore differences among individuals or groups
Eliminated one or more of the five food groups
I also learned something I hadn't thought much about before - that we need at least 800 calories a day just to maintain life. Interesting! So these diets that have you eating only 500-600 calories a day really aren't good for you - you need more than that just to stay alive. I am really glad that we've been exercising and eating healthy foods - afterall, once you "go off a diet and start to eat real food again" is when a lot of people find themselves gaining weight again. We've been eating "real" food all along so we won't have to readjust to normal food.
Jalaine also gave us some guidelines when shopping for good food:
Shop for in-season fresh fruits.
Make food from scratch.
Buy healthy foods in bulk.
Eat before you go to the grocery store.
Make a grocery list and stick to it.
Be flexible with the items on sale - adjust your list.
Look at sale ads, use coupons.
Shop the perimeter instead of the inside of the store.
Use a variety of foods.
Read labels and look at the unit price.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Does It Get Any Better Than This?

What an absolutely gorgeous day today was. The blue sky, the sunshine, the warm temperature, the whiteness of the snow on Timp, the beauty of the flowering trees and the spring flowers - seriously, does it get any better than this? There were lots of people out enjoying the warm spring day - walking, sitting on the grass, riding bikes and motorcycles.
I went to the gym at the hospital to meet up with Dylan and work out only to find that they are recarpeting the gym area. Some of the machines were unaccessible, so I told Dylan that I was going to go to Gold's and work out there this week instead of at the hospital. I only go to the hospital 2 days a week where Dylan oversees my workout so this week will be a little different. Once it's been recarpeted we'll meet up again there.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Today was certainly a very nice day. The kids came over and the grandchildren looked for hidden eggs (filled with candy, money, or a pick of a toy) that my daughter Brie had set up. Afterwards they flew kites, jumped on the tramp, and colored our driveway with sidewalk chalk. I found out a couple of years ago that my family doesn't like ham for Easter dinner (I on the other hand LOVE ham). I decided to make something they like instead, so we had roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, and carrots. The beef and carrots cooked in the crock pot all day - mmmmmmm tender and delicious!
I measured out the proper portion of mashed potatoes, beef, and broccoli (I don't care for cooked carrots so I made some broccoli too). I also made homemade rolls - by the time dinner came around I was more than ready to eat, so I did help myself to one beforehand and one during dinner (I'd saved my exchanges for that!). I measured out my mashed potatoes and roast beef, and then I noticed 2 of my daughters doing the same thing. You just never know when someone's watching and being inspired also.
I talked to my mom to wish her a Happy Easter. She had knee surgery at the end of January and is just now starting to feel better and get her appetite back. (She told me she went out to lunch with friends and then last night had popcorn and 1/2 a batch of fudge for supper!! She must be feeling better!) She's lost weight over the past year - a lot of it by not even trying (how unfair is that!) She's gone from 185 at her highest to her present weight of 133 - she told me she weighs now what she did in high school. Go mom! There were 10 girls in high school (they called themselves the 10 pigs) that still get together every year. This year marks her 60th high school reunion, so she's hoping she stays around this weight for the reunion in October.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Dr. Oz and omentum

Dr. Oz with an unhealthy omentum, Oprah with a healthy one.
I love to watch Dr. Oz on Oprah - he is SO smart. One day he was talking about the omentum. The say-what? I'd never heard of it before. So, my ears perked up a bit and listened a little more closely.
So, you ask yourself - what is an omentum? I went online and found a couple of things from JoLynn Braley and also from the book "You on a Diet" by Dr. Mehmet C. Oz and Dr. Michael F. Roizen. Dr. Oz describes it as "A fatty layer of tissue located inside the belly that hangs underneath the muscles in your stomach." It varies greatly in thickness, depending on how much fat is stored there.
The omentum is the best indicator of how you deal with chronic stress. If you are under constant stress, your body “releases high amounts of steroids into your bloodstream in the form of the hormone cortisol”. Your body has to deal with these excess hormones, and this is your omentum’s job. Your omentum takes these hormones from your bloodstream, and the hormones in turn step up the ability of your omentum to store fat.
This results in a fat belly for you, which is the easiest indicator of how much chronic stress you are under in your life. The problem (besides your dismay over your looks) is that the fat stored in your omentum is the first source of fuel that your internal organs use, especially your liver. All of those added hormones throw off your metabolism by making your omentum resistant to insulin, which means that sugar is floating around in your bloodstream instead of being used as normal by your cells. The results are:
Tissue damage from chronically raised blood sugar.
Your hormone balance is upset due to your omentum taking in an abundance of inflammatory chemicals.
More inflammatory chemicals are sent marauding around your system because your omentum is sending “high-octane” fat as a form of fuel directly to your liver, which in turn sends out the chemicals.
Your omentum creates inflammation throughout your system (a serious health risk) by giving your internal organs fuel. Remember, the fat in your omentum is the first source of fuel for all internal organs, not only the liver.
Your omentum causes (bad) cholesterol and triglyceride levels to rise by fueling your liver with its fat.
Hhow can you easily tell if your omentum is overweight? If you have a (hard) beer belly, or an apple shaped body, your omentum is likely storing fat.
You can also measure your waist: if you are a woman and you measure over 35 inches, or a man over 40 inches, then your omentum is taking up space. These measurements put you at major risk for a heart attack since your omentum is now approximately 5 inches thick (). It is in there, creating an inflammatory process that will irritate your arteries and possibly block them.
I'm hoping that with this challenge, change of eating habits, and exercise that my omentum will look more like the one Oprah's holding than the one Dr. Oz is holding!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chef Mike

Chef Mike came to speak to us today. We'd been warned by Jalaine that he was funny, but he was more than funny. Some of his comments were downright hilarious. The time with him went by very fast today!
One of the things he talked about was our loser strategies. We "have to know you to know what you need to do." He also mentioned that all of our eating needs to be conscious eating. (I've learned from this class that I am an unconscious eater - I eat without thinking what I'm putting into my mouth!)
He had some good suggestions to help us with our meal planning - that we should plan our menu for a month at a time (hmmm, we do our budget for a month at a time but hadn't given much thought to doing the same with meal planning.) By doing this and shopping sales and discount places, we can save ourselves some money too.
He mentioned that we need to have a plan to snack - I hadn't thought about that before either, but it makes total sense. Look for things we can incorporate into our diet.
He also said that our most effective way of losing weight (besides consuming less and exercising more) is to carry our own weight - by jogging or walking.
We need to be aware of our eating patterns - one suggestion was to cut fruit into smaller pieces - instead of just eating the apple by taking bites from the whole apple, cut it into lots of small pieces.
No food is evil - how we eat, what we do with it is evil!
Our health should be the #1 concern and motivation in dieting.
I'm looking forward to our last nutrition class when he'll be coming in to cook for us and share some recipes.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Bumping it up a bit!

Me and trainer Dylan
Dylan and I bumped up my workouts a bit by adding some leg machines to my routine. I've done some of these machines before but it's been quite awhile since I've used them. Plus, he added calves to the workout - I've never done calves before and you should have seen me trying to get the hang of it. I don't know why it was so difficult to have my brain figure out what he was telling me to do, but after he showed me what to do the light bulb went on and I did them correctly!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bragging Rights!

Saturday night was the priesthood session of general conference. Tradition has been for the boys to go with Dave to priesthood and the girls and I go to dinner together. With Mitch on his mission and Brian in St. George, Dave went to priesthood by himself and out to dinner afterwards with one of our sons-in-law. With both Tonya and Krysta gone, there were only 4 (including the 17-month old) that went for Girls Night Out - this time around we went to Chili's in AF. I ate a grilled chicken sandwich and broccoli- say what!! I only had 3 or 4 bites of that scrumptious dessert - Molten Chocolate Cake! We did some shopping afterwards and I tried some capris on and a jean skirt. They were both a size 10 - I didn't end up getting either, but it was oh-so-nice to be able to fit into a 10!! Then, I checked the size of the jeans I was wearing (it was the first time I'd worn them). They were comfortable so I just naturally assumed they were a size 12. Nope, they too were a size 10 - hooray hooray!! This dieting and exercising is starting to pay off!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

1/2-way there!!

Wow! It's hard to believe we're halfway through our 100-Day Heart Challenge. I've learned a lot and have been challenged physically and have been rewarded for the hard work and changes I'm making. I look forward to the next half to see what other improvements I can make in my eating habits and workouts.
Normally by this time I would have decided that where I'm currently at is good enough and would have started to get "lazy". I'm so glad to be able to keep going. This competition is good for me - I have a "somewhat" competitive nature so this challenge is certainly keeping me on track and motivated.
I am thankful for my "team" for this heart challenge - Tracy, Jalaine, the other participants, my family, and of course Dylan - my trainer. He is keeping on top of things and when the weights seem to get too "easy" he bumps me up. He's also going to add some exercises using weight machines that will work additional parts of my body (are there really any parts left that aren't being worked?!!) Thanks to all of you. I'm being "reshaped" both physically and mentally.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Nutrition class focus - emotional eating

We talked about emotional eating today in our nutrition class. We can be an emotional eater both when we're happy or sad. I've never considered myself to be an emotional eater - I eat more because I like the taste of whatever I'm eating, but I've also discovered I'm an unconscious eater. When fixing food I'll "taste" what I'm cooking, if there's a bowl of candy or pretzels or whatever, I grab some as I walk by. I'm trying much more now to be a "conscious" eater in that I deliberately keep track of what goes into my mouth and try to put those things that are good or healthy for me. I have had desserts on occasion throughout the challenge, but I have limited myself to only a couple of bites so that I get the taste, satisfy the craving, but don't overindulge. And guess what - life goes on if I don't eat a whole piece of pie or cake and I actually don't really miss any of that stuff!!
To help avoid emotional eating she told us to ask ourselves 4 questions - Am I biologically hungry right now? What am I feeling? What do I need? and Would you please ........? For me the biggest question was the one Am I biologically hungry right now? She also talked about the hunger scale and that we should eat when we feel between 3 and 6: 3- stomach is empty and occasionally growls; need to eat soon. 4 - initial fullness that is not recognizable at first, food still looks good. 5 - satisfied feeling that allows for a bit more to be eaten, or stopping there. 6 - comfortable fullness taht results in a satisfied feeling by half hour later. I hadn't thought about measuring hunger on a scale before but it makes sense, especially when you're trying to change eating habits.
Jalaine reminded us that we need to take baby steps - change comes gradually; it's a process. As I thought about my weight, etc. at the beginning of this challenge I was reminded that I didn't get to that weight or cholesterol level or blood pressure, etc. overnight, and I wasn't going to "fix" it overnight. I need to be patient with myself and my progress.
She also talked about the ABC's of behavior - first there's the Antecedents (thoughts, feelings, etc.) before the behavior. It actually triggers the Behavior - which is the actual activity or conduct. Then there's the Consequence - which is the result of the behavior and can be positive or negative.
I'm really thankful and feel blessed to be a part of this challenge as I have learned so much. I think we all have and are all making conscious efforts and changes that will stay with us throughout the rest of our lives. I told my husband one morning that I think I used to be one of those that liked to "live to eat" whereas now I feel more like I "eat to live". My life doesn't revolve around food. I eat smaller portions and healthier foods and I actually like it. I was never one much for fruits and vegetables - give me cake or cookies, etc. for breakfast and I was just fine! Now I eat 100% whole wheat toast or yogurt with bran cereal in it. I know the sweet tooth is still there - it's just being controlled much better.

Monday, March 30, 2009


I have read from time to time the blogs of the other participants and I've noticed that there are similarities we all share - discouragement and frustration about a slow weight loss, being tired, the cravings, having people notice a loss even though I don't notice it myself, being successful with new eating habits, etc. For some reason it's comforting to know that others feel the same way I do!
However, I was very surprised when I read the blog of Cressent and discovered she'd been diagnosed with breast cancer. My heart goes out to her and her family and my thoughts and prayers are with them.
When I first started exercising several years ago I got on an elliptical and set the timer for 20 minutes and away I went. After 1 minute I thought I was going to die there on the spot! There was no way I was going to get off that machine after only a minute, so I lasted 5. There have been lapses in my exercising over the years, and it's always hard to get back into the routine but the body is amazing and it doesn't take too terribly long before it's "cooking right along" and adjusts to the exercising again.
When I first started the challenge I had had another one of those lapses, so it took some determination to get back into the habit of exercising. I hate to sweat, I mean I REALLY hate to sweat. However, I can honestly say that I'm enjoying the exercising now and I'm amazed as to how much "easier" it's gotten as my body's gotten used to this "punishment". I do feel so much better when I exercise.
Recently I went to DI to look for jeans. My other jeans were getting too big and I didn't want to pay a fortune for jeans. Plus, you can always find a real variety of styles and sizes at DI without having to pay too much. I found 4 pair - 2 for now, 2 for when I get to my goal weight and I only paid $34 for them - and they were name-brand, originally expensive jeans. I felt like I'd won a lottery!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Busy week!

This week has been a really busy one for me. Not only did I work my 2 part-time jobs, but I also worked at the Holy Cow Boutique (a craft show at the old PG Rec Center held 4 times a year for 4 days each time). It's run by a good friend of mine and I love working there. I am able to see people I don't get to see very often, and of course I also get to see all the wonderful things people are purchasing. I don't work there for pay!! Everything I would have made I use to purchase things I wouldn't ordinarily buy, so it gives me a good chance to buy the "wants" and not the "needs". One of the crafters - Wendy Sue's Candy - makes the BEST-tasting toffee. I love it! But, I was able this time to pass by even a sample of this delectable delight. For snacks I didn't have even 1 piece of candy of any kind. I ate an orange or banana. I'm really proud of myself, because I have a real sweet tooth.
Last Tuesday night I went out for my monthly dinner with my football mom friends. We go to a different restaurant each month. Our sons played football together in high school and now they're all on missions. This week we went to Iggy's in Orem. I heard they have great hamburgers but I read on the menu that they were 1/2 pounders. That definitely didn't fit into my food allowance, so I passed on that and ordered minestrone soup and salad. Boring, I know, but it did fit into my food allowance and I didn't have to go home feeling too full or guilty because I ate too much! We have such a fun time together - laughing and visiting - and this night was no exception. One of the moms is last year's winner of the 100-Day Heart Challenge and she helps keep me on the straight and narrow when we're out to eat - thanks Shelly!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How does environment affect our eating?

Today's class was on "How does our environment affect our eating?" Questions asked for us to consider (in addition to the one above) were: How does the smell of food cooking affect our eating? Does a certain time of day affect your eating? How about free samples at the grocery store or passing by a vending machine? Or having candy dishes around the house, cleaning up after dinner, going to a fast food restaurant?
We also discussed ways to help us in certain situations. For instance - at home: don't have candy dishes set out, don't bring candy home for the candy dishes, no late night or emotional eating, don't clean your plate if you're full. Have a frig makeover - make fruits and veggies easily accessible, put the milk and water at the front, pop and juice at the back. Other suggestions are - put a bowl with fruit on the counter, eat only at the table, and don't eat and watch TV.
At work: switch from candy to healthy snacks, take one at a time instead of a handful, have a no candy at work rule, take correct food to work, don't use food as a reward, make healthy choices.
In the car: pack healthy finger foods, take water, chew gum, shoose what's coming into the car, don't eat in the car - have scheduled stops where you eat, if you're going out to eat - eat an apple about a half hour beforehand so you feel full by the time you're going to eat.
At the movies: bring your own food if possible, share - 1 box of popcorn or candy for everyone there, eat before you go.
At the mall or store: bring your own snacks, drink water, don't go to the food court area, eat before you go, have a plan.
Other suggestions - break a family-size pack into 100-calorie packs. Find activities that don't involve food, slow down and taste the food,, reward yourself with something other than food (one girl gives herself 25 cents each time she exercises). Most of all - use your mouth for words, not food!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Birthday dinners

We have 2 kids born on the same day 6 years apart, and their birthdays were this past Saturday. To celebrate we went for lunch at Los Hermanos in Lindon. I love to eat there, and I usually order a half order of chicken fajitas and a raspberry colada and then eat too many of their chips and salsa - yum yum. However, this time I limited myself to 10-15 chips and I ordered a soft flour chicken taco and drank water. It was still very good and I was still able to enjoy the Los Hermanos experience!! I even had a couple of bites of the birthday dessert of fried ice cream.
One of our traditions is that the Sunday after their birthday they get to choose what dinner and dessert they want. With 2 kids on the same day, one chose their dinner this week, the other will choose next week. Our daughter chose grilled chicken Caesar salad, homemade rolls, and Toll-house cookie cake. Ohmigosh, I love that cake! I was able to watch what I ate throughout the day so that I could have a small bite, and believe me, I savored every bite!!
Our son's dinner will be next Sunday and he wants hamburger gravy over mashed potatoes, homemade rolls, and a old family recipe and favorite for dessert - French silk pie. I can eat less of that and be satisfied, so I can probably get by with just a couple of bites.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring has sprung!

Spring is here, although I know I have to be careful not to think that the cold and snow are gone for good until next winter. I lived in Minnesota long enough to know we seem to get lulled into a false sense of spring with a few warm days and motorcycles and bicycles, etc. and then BAM! Winter returns with snow, cold, and the depression that our spring was so short-lived!
I love spring - it's my favorite season of all. I love to get out into the flower beds and get rid of all the old growth from last year that wasn't removed before the snow fell, and let the new growth have some room and really start to sprout. Besides that new growth I love to see the trees turning green, tulips coming through the dirt, the sounds, the smells, we turn our heat down and open our windows and enjoy that fresh air, there's the anticipation of summer and all that that has to bring just around the corner, etc. - oh yeah - definitely my favorite season.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What kind of eater am I?

Our nutrition teacher Jalaine
Today's nutrition class was on Intuitive Eating. We were asked, after we discussed the different kinds of eaters, what kind of an eater each one of us were.
There's the careful eater - those who tend to be vigilant about what foods they put into their bodies; appear to be "perfect" eaters and outwardly seem to be health-and-fitness-oriented; highly nutrition conscious.
Then there's the professional dieter - one who is perpetually dieting. They have usually tried the latest commercial diet, diet book, or new weight-loss gimmick. Sometimes dieting takes the form of fasting, or "cutting back". They know a lot about portions of foods, calories, and "dieting tricks", yet the reason they're always on another diet is that the original one never worked. They are also well-versed in counting carbohydrate grams.
The last one is the unconscious eater - they often engage in paired eating (eating and doing another activity at the same time, such as watching TV and eating, reading and eating; often difficult to identify this type of reader; 4 subtypes: Chaotic Unconscious eater, Refuse-Not Unconscious eater, Emotional Unconscious eater, and Waste-Not Unconscious eater.
I've decided I'm in the category of the unconscious eater and I have a little from 3 of the 4 listed above - mostly chaotic and refuse-not with a little of the waste-not added in. Very interesting!
Then we went over the 10 Principle of Intuitive Eating:
1) Reject the diet mentality.
2) Honor your hunger.
3) Make peace with food.
4) Challenge the food police.
5) Feel your fullness.
6) Discover the satisfaction factor.
7) Cope with your emotions without using food.
8) Respect your body.
9) Exercise - feel the difference.
10) Honor your health - gentle nutrition.
I am SO grateful and feel SO blessed to have the opportunity to participate in this heart challenge and gain this all-important knowledge. I've learned so much already and have changed eating habits that ought to stay with me the rest of my life.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I am learning different things throughout this experience. Journaling my food intake has been so helpful. It helps me "ration" what I can and can't eat throughout the day or what I can still choose from to fill the appropriate number of exchanges.
I have learned that when working out before, I'd walk at a rate of 4.4 mph and an incline of 15. I thought I was doing so good because I'd burn lots of calories, but now I know I was burning sugars, not fat, because my heart rate was too high (oh around 170 + or -). So, it wasn't doing me a whole lot of good health-wise. I've lowered the speed and incline, do intervals 3 days a week, and it should be better for me. I also don't have to hold on for dear life like I did when the incline was at 15!!
I'm finding that as I have started to lose some weight and feel better about myself, I'm carrying myself differently. My clothes are fitting better too - I wore a suit the other day that I hadn't been able to get the skirt zipped up all the way awhile ago. I can't wait until they are actually loose!! I have cute summer clothes that I'm excited to wear soon, and look forward to flipflops (no more pantihose then!!).

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Ummm, so yummy!!
Warning - DO NOT go to the gym with an empty stomach and then turn on the Food Network and watch Giada de Laurentis make a fabulous-looking brownie/raspberry dessert! I'm telling you - it looked so good (and easy to make). I must have been really hungry because even the eggplant/zucchini sandwich looked good - and I'm not a fan of either one of those veggies!
I did succumb to the brownie/raspberry dessert - how could I not? It called to me all day Sunday. I looked up the recipe online and made it for dessert Sunday night. I did control myself and had a small piece. Normally I would have had at least 1 normal-sized piece if not 2, and I would have "picked and tasted" as I was preparing it. Oh, it was every bit as good in real life (if not better) than it looked on TV!! It wasn't a favorite with some of the kids and grandkids, but I really liked it. Course, those are 2 of my favorite flavors - chocolate and raspberry, plus - you drizzle white chocolate on the top and add salted almonds. It was yummy. Next Saturday I'll have to watch "White Fang" again or something similar so I don't have the same kind of experience - where the food calls to me repeatedly the next day!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Body Image

Today's class focused on our body image - the view of how we view on own body. She talked about different weights - dream weight, happy weight, acceptable weight, and current weight (we also added healthy weight). We need to focus on how we feel in our clothes, how our clothes are fitting, and not so much on the weight itself. How we look doesn't necessarily match up with how fit we may be.
We discussed some myths:
Being thin will make me healthy and happy.
Others will like me if I lose weight.
Fat people are lazy and lack willpower.
Dieting will help me achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Our challenge is to get rid of the negative thoughts and start thinking more positively about our body image. Remember that to want to have bodies like some of the actors and actresses is unrealistic and many times unattainable and only sets us up for failure. We need to love our body - it is ours and ours alone. We need to celebrate being "you" and make friends with the person you see in the mirror on the wall.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Muscle weighs more than fat!!

We're supposed to report our weekly weight each Monday. My weight loss this week was only 1.4 pounds. At first I was a little disappointed - after all, I'm exercising alot, watching what I eat, going without treats, etc. But then I started thinking about it and if we still have about 10 weeks or so to go, that's about 15 pounds. That would put me in a weight zone I'd be pretty happy with and I'd weigh less than I have in years!! Then when I told one of my co-workers what my loss was she said - wow, that's like 5-6 sticks of butter. Well, when you put it like that, I'm not as disappointed any more!! I have to remember too - muscle weighs more than fat, muscle weighs more than fat, muscle weighs more than fat! And too, as I go along and gain more muscle, we're taught that muscle burns more calories than fat so maybe my weight loss will be a tad bit more from time to time. I shouldn't worry so much about weight anyways - I'm more interested in getting that dang cholesterol down so I can be around for a long time to enjoy and play with our grandchildren, go on more cruises, live life to it's fullest by being healthy and able to enjoy all that life has to offer.
I discovered tonight while working out that different machines (I'm talking about treadmill vs treadmill, not treadmill vs elliptical) - even at the same gym - can give you different readings as far as heart rate and calories are concerned. Well that explains why when I'm on some machines I feel like I'm "going to die" and other times I feel like I'm hardly breaking a sweat while walking at the same rate and incline. Having a trainer (mine is Dylan) is very helpful - he helps make sure I'm doing my exercises correctly, answers questions I may have, and encourages me to push a little harder. I'm really grateful for his help.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Snack attack!

I've been doing really well at following my nutrition plan and have stuck to it really close. I journal what I've eaten and make sure that I have what I'm supposed to. However, yesterday I had a craving for snacks. I'm a sweet-aholic, so I knew I needed to stay away from chocolate, candies, cakes, cookies, etc. So, I chewed gum - and that helped but my craving didn't go away. Finally last night I gave in and made some kettle corn. Now, I know popcorn is a good snack, but I don't think that includes kettle corn but that's all I had (and the only kind I really like). I started eating and ate way more than I should have, but at least my snack craving was finally cured!
Today I went to the gym and I have to admit I struggled through the workout. It was more difficult to keep up the pace. I don't know if my heart wasn't into it or what. On Saturdays I have to work in the morning so I don't get to the gym until the afternoon which throws off my schedule. I'm a creature of habit and don't like my schedule messed with, but I don't have much choice. The gym doesn't open until 6 and it doesn't give me enough time to work out and get home in time to sign on for work. (One of my jobs allows me to work at home on the computer), I walked for an hour, but I am supposed to keep my heart rate between 120 and 130, so I had to walk at an incline and a faster speed than I really wanted to. It sure helps to have those little TV's on the treadmill at Gold's because I can watch what I want and it helps to make the time go by faster and easier. I'm so glad Sunday is a day of rest!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

An Introduction to Me!

Let me start by introducing myself. I'm a 56-year old mother of 6 (4 girls, 2 boys) and a "nammi" of 7 of the cutest and smartest grandchildren ever (1 grandson, 6 granddaughters). I work 2 part-time jobs that total close to full-time hours.
I decided to apply to be a participant in the 100-Day Heart Challenge after my dear friend Shelly Weber (who was last year's winner) sent an email out announcing that they were looking for applicants for this year's challenge. She looks GREAT and feels good so I thought I'd at least apply. I was thrilled when I got the call letting me know I'd been one of the 15 chosen (thank you computer!!).
We went to the community heart workshop on February 6 and had our cholesterol checked, blood pressure taken, and the all-terrifying weight unveiled! I about croaked when I found out my cholesterol was the highest it's ever been. I had absolutely no clue. 3 years ago when I'd had a checkup it had been 235 and the doctor had told me to get it down through diet and exercise. The next year it was 210 - still too high but better. So I was absolutely and totally surprisesd when they told me what it was Feb 6. My blood pressure was also high. It had never been high - even each time I was pregnant.
Last year we went on a cruise to the Caribbean (I would highly recommend a cruise to anyone - we want to go again ) and I'd worked real hard to lose weight (watching what I ate, exercising every day) and got down to a weight I was comfortable at and could fit into my summer clothes. Then, over last summer I got lazy - quit going to the gym - and drank sugared soda and ate double-dipped chocolate covered peanuts (just chocolate-covered peanuts wasn't enough!!) and put alot of the weight I'd lost back on. I stayed lazy until this heart challenge and now I'm back being diligent and watching what I eat and exercising. I'm already feeling better.
I've only been to one nutruition class so far, but I've already learned that I've been eating way too big of portions in the past. I've also learned that if I eat healthy foods throughout the day (and drink my water), that sometimes I still feel fairly full at dinnertime!