Monday, May 18, 2009

Turning 57!

Today is my birthday and I am now 57. I got an email from my missionary son last Wednesday that asked how I felt to be so old - haha! I wrote him back and told him that I feel great and that I'm in some of the best shape I've ever been in. I do feel I'm healthier than I've been in years. I'm also a smaller size than I've been in years and that in itself makes for a happy day!! I went shopping last week to find some capris/shorts to replace the ones that no longer fit, and I was able to find some that weren't too expensive and fit and were cute! I'd bought new shirts last summer (they fit better this year!) so I think I'm ready for summer.
For some reason I didn't sleep real well last night - it was one of those nights you look at the clock every hour. I hate those nights because they're not very restful. However, I did do a little reflecting on some things - like being 57 means I'm only 3 years from being 60 and for some reason that hit me harder than turning other decades. I haven't accomplished several things I have on my goal list, so I need to buckle down and make better use of my time so I can feel more of a sense of accomplishment.
This heart challenge has helped me accomplish a couple of things that I'd wanted to do but put off. One was changing my diet and exercising more so that my cholesterol will (hopefully) come down. My doctor had told me to do that a couple of years ago. The other thing was to lose weight. I'd lost some last year before our cruise but then I gained it back through the summer. I don't intend to do the same thing this year - I intend to keep it off. With the knowledge we've all gained throughout this experience, I think we all plan to do the same thing - keep off what we've lost and maybe even lose more.

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