Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dinner out!

Last night was our monthly get-together with the "football" moms (minus Shelly - we missed you!). We went to the Blue Lemon in Highland. I had the chicken dumpling soup and raspberry chicken salad. Both were very tasty and delicious. I recommend trying this place if you're looking for someplace new. Their food is "pure clean food, with a twist". "We use fresh ingredients from local farms in our homemade, made from scratch recipes." "Our food is free of preservatives, artificial flavoring and coloring, irradiation, synthetic pesticides, fungicides, ripening agents, fumigants, drug residue, and growth hormones." (Those are all taken from their take-home menu.) As usual, when we get together, we had a great time, lots of visiting, and lots of laughs. I love all of you girls!
Today as I worked out I thought about how - for me - this was the last "hard" exercise workout before the weigh-out Friday. I thought back about how when I first started I'd sit on the ball to do the shoulder exercises with the hand weights and as I looked in the mirror I could see that roll around my middle. I'd pull my shirt loose so it wouldn't show. That roll is almost gone now, thank heavens. I'll work out again tomorrow but I won't include the strength-training (weight machines). I do those 3 times a week. We're not supposed to eat anything after 7:00 tomorrow night or exercise on Friday as it could skew the blood results.
Dylan asked me at our last workout together Monday night how I thought my results would be. I told him that I'm happy with where I'm at right now, although I'm not at my final goal weight yet. I also said that the results Friday aren't just weight loss - it's the cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, triglycerides, etc. I also mentioned that I know there are several of the ladies that have worked very hard and given it their all and that I admire them. I've read their blogs and I've read that some wished their results to this point were different, but they had positive attitudes and committment to continue to work to get to the point they want to be at after the challenge is done. I've watched some of these women workout, and they've truly "worked their butts off." I'm glad to have been associated with them and have been inspired by them to continue to work hard even when feeling like letting down some. They've kept me going, even though they may not have been aware of that. So - thanks to all you fine ladies and to your hard work and committment. I'm so thankful to have been a part of this challenge and for getting to know you.

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