Friday, May 22, 2009

The End . . . and The Beginning

Today marked the end of our 100-Day Heart Challenge. We were weighed, waist circumference taken, body fat measured, cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides, blood pressure, and heart rate - all checked. I feel good about everything except my blood pressure. I know I've been stressed lately - one of my part-time jobs stresses me out!!
So, with today being the end of the challenge it's also the beginning for each of us. We're now on our own - no trainer, no weekly checkins, no food journaling requirements, no nutrition classes, etc. After talking to several of the women this morning, I think most (if not all of us) plan to continue to watch what we eat and how much we eat, and also continue to exercise. I think we all feel pretty good about where we're at at this point, and although we may not be to our goal, we see it as attainable.
I'm happy to be where I'm at (except for that darn blood pressure!). I feel I've worked hard and done what was asked of us. I'm excited to be down in weight and in clothing sizes. I feel good!!
One more thing - I'm very thankful to have been chosen as a participant in this heart challenge. I feel better health-wise than I've felt in a VERY long time. I'm grateful to all those involved and have been the organizers, the cheerleaders, our leaders and coaches along this experience. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And to those other participants - way to go, and thanks for all I've gained from you - committment, courage, perseverance, friendship, encouragement, etc.

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a great job the whole time Barb. Getting in shape and learning a better way of living is hard. Most people aren't willing to do it, that's why heart related illness takes the lives of so many.

    In the words of my old Track Coach: "You done good, but that don't mean you can stop now!"

    I'll see you at the celebration dinner.
